Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas day

Ahhh, the joy of waking up and seeing what Santa brought. The kids tried waking us up at 7 am but we pleaded with them to let us sleep a little longer. Finally, they coarsed us into getting out of bed. (Notice the neatness of the gifts)

AND... a few minutes later, chaos has hit!!! I tried and even to this day, I still haven't gotten the house back together.
Kolton started Intermediate School this year and has been educated on name brand clothing. He informed me that Old Navy and Children's Place were no longer his style! So he asked for Abercrombie and Hollister clothing. So here he is all decked out in some of his clothes.

The little ones trying to wake up. Kourtney's picture needs no explanation. Santa knows her well!!
Here's Kylee trying to figure out what this hoopala is all about!

And this is one sexy vacuum... I mean husband! I tell him he is the hottest man on earth when he is doing the dishes or vacuuming! Ladies, don't you agree? I did get this vacuum for Christmas. Don't worry, I asked for one. I wanted a light weight one for the stairs.

Christmas Celebration

Wow, so much to do in one quick month. Here is just a picture of Kylee in a cute Christmas dress that she only got to wear once :( so I had to get a picture of her even while she was sleeping.

Kourtney was the "new" star in the church Christmas Program. Aunt Donna and I designed her star. Isn't she cute? We kept telling her she was the star of the show!! I didn't realize though that the star was sooo bright. It reflected the flash really bad.... sorry, there isn't a better picture.

Brent's entire family came to our house to celebrate Christmas the weekend before. We had a great time. We packed 23 people into our home. We made some great memories. Here is just a portion of the gifts! It's our tradition to have a Family Home Evening where each family shares something or just their thoughts. It's one of my favorite events of the year. It really bonds us as a family and increases my testimony of the Savior. I made a Noel "handout" for everyone since you know... I'm the "handout queen".
Here is Kaelyn and her cousin Morgan in their self made boat. Crazy girls!!

Our Project

I saw this in a magazine and really wanted one but had no idea where to get one so instead my crafty husband made it for me. I love the way it turned out!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


So!!! Our photo session wasn't as bad as I anticipated but I will reiterate that trying to get four kids to pose for a family picture is almost impossible. Here are some samples.
The engagement pose, again. What's up with that????

I'm framing each of these of the kids so I printed them in black and white.

Kourtney, doesn't she look innocent?

Sweet little Kaelyn.

Forever my baby, Kylee!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Holidays?????

We have been so busy around here. We left for Louisiana for Thanksgiving. We had some awesome food. Kevin fried a turkey that was delicious and of course there were 10 X's the amount of desserts needed so that's always a plus in my book.
Kylee and some Thanksgiving football. Go Cowboys!!!

Brent's nephew Lance plays HS football. Their team was in the playoffs since they had only lost one game all season. So we all went to Shreveport to watch him play. When we got there it started to pour rain. I had packed for cold weather but not for rain. We did the best we could. Here are some pictures of us trying to stay dry.

There's Lance, #64. I felt so bad for the boys... it was soooo wet and slippery.

Who's the momma and who's the baby?

We got back from Louisiana late Friday night so Saturday morning Brent quickly went to work!!

Kolton was in charge of checking all the bulbs.

The girls and I decorated the kids tree while the boys worked outside.

Sunday after church, I attempted once again to get a picture of the kids. This is one of about 25 pictures. We have family pictures today... I hope they go better than this did!

Sisters or partners in crime??

I had to post this one since she is a mini ME. I only got one out of four!!! Oh and don't you just love her boots... she does too!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What's new???

In case you are wondering what happened to me..... here it is!
Well, when you decide to have a VT Conference and make 85 Gourmet Carmel Apples, you can bet you take on more than you should because then your life revolves around apples. Luckily Brent helped me and so did DeeDee and Tammy but it was alot of work. I'm pretty sure I'll be finding chocolate on the walls for the next 30 years!!! Oh well, they turned out yummy, the evening was perfect and I got lots of compliments for the whole event. So here are the remainder of the events I haven't had time to blog about.
Kaelyn was a black cat (even though you can't see her tail) and Kylee was the cutest Bumble Bee ever for Halloween.

Football still seems to consume our lives each week. Only a few more weeks to go... but who's counting???

I tried getting a family picture after church, but well this was the best I could do. And yes, Kaelyn has my shoes on as usual. Oh and speaking of church, our ward just split... again, well at least now we have church at 11:30 am instead of 2:00 pm. Ahhh, so much better!!!

Brent and I went to our annual Halloween party. Where we were of course star struck to see Brangelina and their multi-cultural family there.

Popeye and Olive were there.

We had some peace and quiet.

A nice chinese couple came... oh, maybe that's Mike and Julie.
BTW- Julie is normally like a size 3!!!
Tammy the disco diva and her man!

Sarah Palin of course with Larry King.
Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson. It must of been a great costume because two couples came as them.
It was a fun night...AGAIN! Brent and I went as Dora and Diego, I'll have to get some pictures from someone else, cause dingy me didn't have anyone take any.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Happy Fall Everyone!! It's actually going to be a cool 65 today. So it's starting to feel like Fall. The kids had to wear pants and a jacket. Hopefully, they won't get too used to it since the remainder of the week is going to be in the high 70's.

The kids got out of school half a day on Thursday, and were off all day on Friday for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Both kids got excellent reports and had straight A's. We are so proud of them. They are so much better at making good grades than Brent and I ever were. Kolton made the Honor Roll which we are so proud of him for working so hard. I even found him reading in his bed late at night... something we all know, he didn't get from Brent or me.

So since I had already had our conferences, Brent took Friday off from work and we headed to the Pumpkin Patch. Here are some of the pictures we took. Afterwards, we had lunch and headed to the movies with our friends to see "High School Musical 3". We really enjoyed it; even Kaelyn watched most of it until she fell asleep in my arms. Brent had the job of wrestling Kylee who of course fell asleep on the way there and was ready to play once we got there. Brent said he didn't mind all that much. He says he's not in to all that singing anyway! haha!! (Hence the title...Musical)

This Pumpkin Patch is so great. It's absolutely huge and everything is free, well unless you buy a $30.00 pumpkin. LOL!

Here's our cute little Pumpkin!!!

Here's the Pumpkin Bunch!!

On Saturday, the church around the corner was having a Trunk or Treat and Carnival for the community so we went with the neighbors. It was pretty fun and the kids had a good time.

***I almost forgot to mention the kids had their Primary Program. There were 130 kids in the Primary and every one of them had a part. They did an awesome job and luckily both of my kids knew their parts and spoke clearly. YAH!!! Next year Kaelyn will be up there... I'm sure I'll have a little bit of a melt down (she probably will, too).